Sunday, September 7, 2008


It's been a while, but I got it started and running. We're over a month of non-movement. Biggest thing has been carb and electric. Been playing with the electric, put in an electronic ignition (pertronix). But with out the working carb, never really knew what was up. So this am, (after a let down of Hanna) I took the carb apart. It is a knock off Zenith. Only thing available. Not to say where I bought it from...but, it's floats were screwed up. They were made out of sponge like stuff, and the piece that connects them was bent, so it was constantly flooding the carb, like a faucet. Replaced them with the plastic ones from the old, started!!!!!!!!! Then toyed with the timing (think I got it, may have to bring in some professional help to assure).
There may still be some electrical issuers bouncing around. The front running lights don't seem to work and have to check the brake lights before I go for a ride.
Also looks like an exhaust leak at the exit end of the manifold. But could be a bit of gas that was spilled out of the carb (I waited a good hour or so before spilling gas and starting it, and it's windy).
It's a bright clear day, warm. Going to take the top off and go for a spin when I am sure the brake lights work.
It's been a lousy couple months, so this is a good highlight.
And if I can find my camera I will take some pics.

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